My 11-year-old daughter's definition of leadership:
“ people, be brave, take initiative, always have a positive attitude, be accepting, ‘kind of like a teacher in a way’'s important to be a leader BUT everything you do is so big and if you make the wrong decision everyone blames you...”
That ending!
No wonder she refused to be a leader.
Laura Clydesdale had an epiphany one day when she noticed her then 10-year-old daughter exhibiting some of the same career-derailing traits as many of her female clients. Did it really start this early, she wondered? Laura decided to leverage her 15 years of experience as a leadership development consultant to delve deep into the world of girls leadership. Laura started this blog to chronicle the journey she was taking with her daughter. Laura’s early history in finance and auditing for both General Electric and the Gap, Inc. compels her to conduct extensive research and seek fact-based solutions for the topics she tackles. However, Laura is unique in that her persuasive points are always woven together with an irresistible human element to create her stories.
In case you're wondering, her daughter approves all articles prior to posting. She's the bravest person Laura knows.
Laura lives in Berkeley, CA with her husband and two children where she also enjoys sinking her teeth into big philanthropic projects that make a commensurately big impact like Notes & Words and TEDxYouth@EB.
For more background on Laura Clydesdale visit her profile here. You can follow her on Twitter at @l_clydesdale and she can be reached at